Wednesday, 31 January 2007

A trip to London

Hi, boys and girls!! As I already told you, your English teachers spent an amazing long weekend in London. We last went there a long time ago (when we were attending university) and we wanted to experience the sensation of being in this wonderful capital again. As I announced, I'm going to post some pictures of our trip. I hope you'll enjoy them just as we did. By the way*, would you like to visit London on line? Click
and follow the instructions written on the left side of the page (in yellow). Try to discover different sights of London!!
*by the way: a propósito, por cierto

Picadilly Circus
Our School of English
Candem Town

Future tense for 1st Bachillerato

As we are also beginning with a new unit on Future Tenses in 1st Bachillerato, let's practise a little bit with differently levelled exercises. You can find not only future tenses, but also overview present and past ones. Look into the ball and ... enjoy yourself!!

Make your influence positive

The teacher, Carlos Díez, has sent this interesting video. We want to share it with you because we consider it as the perfect excuse to think about the influence of adults on children (parents, teachers, older sisters/brothers). What’s your opinion? Do you agree with it?

Tuesday, 30 January 2007

Future tense (4th ESO)

Hi, friends!! We know the Future tense seems easy, but when you start practising activities related to it, your mind usually goes blank *1...We, the teachers, don't want you to suffer and for this reason, we have seeked a few interesting webs which can help you distinguish its uses and forms (will/going to/present continuous)...Take them a look,PLEASE!!!

*1 your mind goes blank: bloquearse

Monday, 29 January 2007


Hello!! Do you know what a "palindrome" is?
A palindrome is
a word, phrase, verse, or sentence that reads the same backward or forward. It's really curious. Here I give you an example, so that you can seek more palindromes:

-My palindrome is: "Madam, in Eden I'm Adam"

Who is able to find more? Enjoy it!!! XXX

Thursday, 25 January 2007


Hello!! I’m Tamara, from 1st Bach. and I have good news for you:
I’m a collaborator of this fantastic blog, I’m going to post funny activities, and I think we can learn a lot. I hope you´ll like them!
Don´t forget that your opinion is very important, so you should post here!!

Thanks for giving me the opportunity to participate!! Kisses!

Wednesday, 24 January 2007


HI! I'm Susana, from Bachillerato, and from now on I'm going to post activities and challenges in this blog. I hope they will be interesting, and I wish everybody will enjoy it.

Thanks for giving me the chance to participate in the blog. Lots of kisses!!

Tuesday, 23 January 2007

Every breath you take (Police)

Hi, again!! Do you remember the activity we usually do when we listen to a song in class? First, we listen and then, we write the missing words. We think this song is nice. Maybe, you can know it because nowadays it is the soundtrack on a TV advert. 1, 2, 3, ...start!!

Every breath you take (Police)

Every breath you 1 take
Every move you 2 make
Every bond you 3 break
Every 4 step you take
I’ll be 5
watching you
Every 6
single day
Every 7
word you 8 say
Every 9 game you 10 play
Every 11 night you 12 stay
I’ll be 13 watching you
Oh, can’t you 14
You 15 belong to me
How my 16
poor 17 heart aches
With every 18 step you 19 take CHORUS
Every move you 20
Every vow you 21 break
Every 22 smile you fake
23 claim you stake
I’ll be 24 watching you
Since you’ve 25 gone
I've been 26 lost without a trace
I 27
dream at 28 night
I can only 29 see your 30 face
I 31 look around but it’s you
I can’t 32
I 33 feel so cold and I long for your embrace
I keep 34
crying baby, baby, please...
Every move you 35
Every step you 36 take
I’ll be watching you (4 times

Saturday, 20 January 2007

More idioms

Let's translate some idioms which are used in class!!

  1. Ponerse las pilas: To get one's act together. (If Joe gets his act together, he'll succeed in being the best: Si Joe se pone las pilas, logrará ser el mejor). Tamara 1st C

  2. Tener facilidad para aprender algo (ejemplo idiomas): To have an ear for something.(She's never had much of an ear for languages: Ella nunca ha tenido mucha facilidad para los idiomas).

  3. Ser un bocazas: To have a big mouth. (Helen's got such a big mouth, the news'll be all over the town by tonight). Irene Hidalgo 1st D

  4. Vamos a dejarlo por hoy: Let's call it a day. (It's almost midnight, I think it's time to call it a day). Irene 1st D

  5. ¡Es cosa tuya!: It's your funeral! ('I'm not coming to the meeting, I can't afford the time.' 'Okay, it's your funeral': "No voy a ir a la reunión, no tengo tiempo". "Vale, ¡es cosa tuya!").

  6. Reírse de alguién en su cara (la del profesor, por ejemplo): to laugh in somebody's face. ( I felt embarrased when Peter laughed in English teacher's face). Sue Soto 1ºC

  7. Quedar mal: to lose face. ( He refused to admit he made a mistake because he didn't want to lose face). Sue Soto 1ºC

  8. Desanimarse: To lose heart.(Don't lose heart, there'll be plenty more chances for promotion). Sue Soto 1º C

  9. Vivir en las nubes: To live in cloud-cuckoo land.(Anyone who thinks this project will be finished within six weeks is living in cloud-cuckoo land). Susana Soto 1st C

  10. Burlarse de alguien: To make fun of. (At first the kids made fun of her because she spoke with a Dutch accent). Lucía R.1st D

Learn a lot and enjoy yourself!!


In English there are a lot of idioms (expressions whose meanings cannot be inferred from the meanings of the words that make it up) to learn...We want it to be as easy as abc *1 for you, so we have decided to work some of them. Are you ready?

The first one: How do you say " me suena a chino" in English? Think and be water, my friend.

*1 To be as easy as abc: Ser algo muy fácil (idiom)

Answer: "what you are saying is Greek to me" (written by Susana.1st Bach. C).

Side sleeper with one knee bended (Spanish)

Your partner, Tamara (1st Bachillerato C), has posted the Spanish translation of one of the slideshows about "While you were revealed a lot".Thank you, Tamara!!!

Side sleeper with one knee bended:

"You are inclined to be fussy, always whining and complaining. Nervousness is probably your second name. You tense up easily and get overly excited over small matters. Life isn´t such a big deal. Learn to relax".

Persona que duerme de lado con una rodilla doblada:

Tiendes a ser exigente, siempre lloriqueando y quejándote. Nerviosismo es probablemente tu segundo nombre. Te tensas fácilmente y consigues ponerte demasiado nervioso por pequeños problemas. La vida no es para tanto. Aprende a relajarte.

Thursday, 18 January 2007

Tell me the way you sleep and...

How do you sleep? Do you sleep on your stomach or with arms crossed to support your head? if you can't remember it, homework for tonight: watch yourself and then, discover a lot of aspects about you personality you didn't know.

Wanted a volunteer who can translate the texts...Teachers promise to reward him/her (hehehe...).

Wednesday, 17 January 2007

What about Geography?

Where is Romania? and Croatia? Are you the master of Geography? Show it! Click here:

After playing, don't forget to post your opinion or the most difficult country to place. Thanks!!


A riddle:

What is the longest English word containing no letter more than once?

Your partner, Susana, (1ºC Bachillerato) wrote the correct answer:
"uncopyrightable". Thanks, Sue!!

Tuesday, 16 January 2007

Behind your name

What does your name mean? What are its origins? If you are very curious*1, click This site has thousands of names in its database. Enter your firstname in the search box and click on ‘Search’ to see what it means, and learn a little about its history.

*1 To be very curious: Tener/sentir mucha curiosidad

Monday, 15 January 2007

More about Relative Clauses (1st Bachillerato)

Hello, again!! One of your partners wrote this link as a commentary to relative clauses for 1st Bachillerato, but I´d like you to see it more easily and that's why I post it here, so thanks for sharing your information with us!!

Sunday, 14 January 2007

Example isn't another way to teach, it is the only way to teach. Albert Einstein

Memory Matching Game

What about your memory? Are you quick enough to complete the Quiz Hub? Can you concentrate and complete it in less than 30 seconds? Try it now!
Did you do it? Ok! Now try this one at the same time you listen to the vocabulary . You can choose among different topics: animals, fruit, musical instruments, transportation and many more!! How many clicks will you need to complete the match game?

Saturday, 13 January 2007


Now let's practise our listening skills by playing a new game!! You can learn or review vocabulary and listen to it at the same time. You only have to click on the right "feeling face" and listen carefully!! Listen to Arthur's friends' stories by clicking here:

Simple things (Spanish version)

Your partner Irene Hidalgo (1st Bach. D) has translated the slideshow (Simple things) completely:

  1. Sleep as much as you can: Duerme tanto como puedas
  2. Frown when you get upset: Fruñe el ceño cuando te enfades
  3. Read books that you enjoy: Lee libros con los que disfrutes
  4. Play with simple things: Juega con las cosas simples
  5. Do whatever you want whenever you want: Haz lo que quieras cuando quieras
  6. Look for affection when you need it: Busca cariño cuando lo necesites
  7. Get serious once in a while: Ponte serio de vez en cuando
  8. Forget about diets: Olvídate de las dietas
  9. Show some affection: Muestra cariño
  10. Get angry once a while: Enfádate de vez en cuando
  11. Change your look: Cambia tu imagen
  12. Be happy, above all, regardless what your challenges may be...These are only to show you how strong we can be and overcome them...: Se feliz por encima de todo, a pesar de los desafíos que pueda haber, que estos son solo para mostrarte cómo de fuertes podemos ser y vencerlos.

Thanks, Irene!! You've got a good mark!!

Simple things

Hi, friends!! We hope you'll enjoy this slideshow *1! There are 12 photos...Now, can you translate the text into Spanish? We don't mind if you only decide to translate one of them.

*1 slideshow: Presentación de diapositivas

Number 1:"Sleep as much as you can"...= "Duerme tanto como puedas"...

Numbers 2: It's your turn!

Relative Clauses for 1st Bachillerato

Your teachers have gone crazy!! We want to make the best use of this blog and have decided to post some links about Relative Clauses. The exam of unit 4 is soon and for this reason, we'd like to make easy your study.

Friday, 12 January 2007

Present Perfect for 4th ESO

Are you tired of surfing on the Internet?
Are you tired of watching TV?
Are you tired of chatting on the phone?
Are you tired of hanging out with your friends?
Are you tired of having problems with Present Perfect?

Then, leave everything and click here:

We hope you'll learn a lot!!!

Present simple for 1st ESO

Some students in 1st ESO are going to do an exam next Monday!! Your teachers want you to pass that exam and so, we have decided to post a very interesting link about Present Simple.

If you want to have fun and prepare your exam at the same time, click here:

Tuesday, 9 January 2007

Look at 2006 file

Boys and girls!!Don´t forget to take a look at 2006 file (on the right of your screen).There you can find a lot of amazing activities (a song, the longest English word,a Tibetan test, expressions in English,a mysterious game,...).Don't miss it!!

Sunday, 7 January 2007

Friday, 5 January 2007

Talking to Mary

Would you like to talk to an attractive woman and practise your English at the same time? Click here:

Don't forget to report your experience!

Activity extracted from

The idiot test

Do you consider yourself as an idiot person? With the following test you are going to find out the answer. The vocabulary is sometimes difficult, but you are going to learn a lot...Just do it!
Click here:

Activity extracted from

Tuesday, 2 January 2007

Model of English Christmas SMS

"Always remember for 2007... life is short, break the rules, 4give quickly, kiss slowly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably n never regret anything that made u smile. Send 2 all the people u love n care 4 n don't want 2 lose in 2007 even me...if u get 3 back, ur a great friend."

This is the text of an English Christmas sms, which was sent by a person living in England.

Question: Could you tell us the meaning of the letters and numbers in red (they are sms shorties*1)?

Clue: Pay attention to the pronunciation of those letters and numbers...I can't say anything else!!

*1 sms shorties: abreviaturas para teléfonos móviles

Test: What kind of candy are you?

Hi,again! First of all: HAPPY NEW YEAR 2007!!!
Do you like tests? These days I have discovered a new web which shows different tests about anything you can imagine. Click:

It's very interesting and curious...Give a try!!
When you finish, don't forget to tell us your results!!

Monday, 1 January 2007

Pictures and imagination

On the right of your screen, you can see different pictures: a landscape, some pairs of trainers, a blue wall,... We want you to write a short sentence or a new title in English, according to what the picture you choose inspires you.

First, write the title of the photo you have chosen and then, write your sentence or a new title.

Example: Blue wall. Sentence: My life is blue, but it isn't sad (in this sentence I am toying with the meaning of "blue": azul/triste).

Stretch your imagination!