Can you remember some of the things that your mother always said to you when you were a child? (Maybe she STILL says them to you!) It's amazing how mothers all over the world say the same things to their children!
Would you like to translate some of the following ones? Which of them is used by your mom? I think it may be a very fun activity!! Thanks.
1. You won't be happy until you break that, will you? No estarás contento hasta que lo rompas, verdad? (Irene H. 1ºBach.D)
2. When I was your age, I had to walk ten miles through the snow, uphill, by myself, to go to school. Cuando yo tenía tu edad, tenía que ir andando 10 millas a través de la nieve, en cuesta, yo sola, para ir al colegio¡¡ (Irene H., 1ºBach.D)
3. What do you think, money grows on trees? "¿Qué te crees que el dinero sale de los árboles?" (Tamara, 1ºBach. C)
4. Is your homework finished? Has terminado los deberes? (Irene H., 1ºBach.D)
5. I'm not your maid! "Yo no soy tu criada" (Sue, 1ºBach.C)
6. Don't talk with your mouth full!
7. Going to a party? Who's going to be there? "¿Vas a una fiesta; quién va a ir? (Sue,1ºBach.C)
8. Do you think this is a hotel? You can't just come here only to sleep. "Qué te crees que esto es una pensión? No puedes venir aquí sólo a dormir." (Gema, teacher)
9. Did you flush?
10. Always wear clean underwear in case you get in an accident. "Ponte ropa interior limpia no sea que tengas un accidente o te pase algo" (Susana, teacher)
11. Are you going out dressed like that? "¿Vas a ir vestida así?" (Lucía, 1ºBach.D)
12. Am I talking to a brick wall? "¿Estoy hablando con la pared?" (Tami,1ºBach.C)
13. As long as you live under my roof, you'll do as I say.
14. Don't make me get up!
15. Don't ask me WHY. The answer is NO."No me preguntes por qué.La respuesta es no." (Lucía, 1ºBach.D)
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