Tuesday 9 January 2007

Look at 2006 file

Boys and girls!!Don´t forget to take a look at 2006 file (on the right of your screen).There you can find a lot of amazing activities (a song, the longest English word,a Tibetan test, expressions in English,a mysterious game,...).Don't miss it!!


Anonymous said...

ya he hecho lo del test y no saco nada en claro ... VAMOS A VER ¿SOY IDIOTA O NO?
pues eso lo dicho que si alguien sabe la respuesta que envia alta al 1001 y en seguida se le enviara un sms con el correspondiente agradecimiento

coste del sms 1,50€ + I.V.A.

Susana said...

Who are you? If you don´t write your name and class, you won't get a good mark...sorry!!Anyway, thanks for participating.

Anonymous said...

Hello susan I´m diego. The test is very difficult because pull the red button and after the button green and say false. I don´t understand. Bye see you tomorrow.
By Diego Angeles.

Susana said...

Don`t worry, Diego. Next day, I'll explain the game to you...Anyway, I know you are very intelligent... Thanks for participating!!XXX