Monday 29 January 2007


Hello!! Do you know what a "palindrome" is?
A palindrome is
a word, phrase, verse, or sentence that reads the same backward or forward. It's really curious. Here I give you an example, so that you can seek more palindromes:

-My palindrome is: "Madam, in Eden I'm Adam"

Who is able to find more? Enjoy it!!! XXX


Tamara said...

Hi Sue!!!
This activity is really interesting!!
I have found some ¨palindromes¨:

¨Draw a ward¨
¨Race fast, safe car¨
¨Was it a car or a cat I saw?¨

I hope other partners will look for another ¨palindromes¨

See u soon!!! XXXXX

Sue said...

Hi Tami!!
I knew you would write! hahaha
Your palindromes are very curious!
Thank you very much!!

And now, I propose you a new challenge... Can you find the Palindrome which is written on the grave of the man who built Panama's canal??

Seek it!! lots of kisses!!

Anonymous said...

HELLO SUE! Now I´m talking to you so I will participe in your activity. It´s very curious.
I have look for ¨palindromes¨ and I have found some:

¨A Toyota's a Toyota.¨

This is very ¨friki¨jejeje...
¨Dennis, Nell, Edna, Leon, Nedra, Anita, Rolf, Nora, Alice, Carol, Leo, Jane, Reed, Dena, Dale, Basil, Rae, Penny, Lana, Dave, Denny, Lena, Ida, Bernadette, Ben, Ray, Lila, Nina, Jo, Ira, Mara, Sara, Mario, Jan, Ina, Lily, Arne, Bette, Dan, Reba, Diane, Lynn, Ed, Eva, Dana, Lynne, Pearl, Isabel, Ada, Ned, Dee, Rena, Joel, Lora, Cecil, Aaron, Flora, Tina, Arden, Noel and Ellen sinned.¨

¨Red roses run no risk, sir, on nurse's order.¨

I don´t understand it very well but these are the palindromes that I have found!

BYE SUE!!! kiss!

Lucía F. 1º bach

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue!!!
This activity is very curious.

I have found a web that is very interesting, and you can look for all the palindromes that you want!!
This is the web:

Ah Sue! I found the Palindrome which is written on the grave of the man who built Panama's canal:
"A man, a plan, a canal: Panama!"

Lots of kisses!! See you soon!!

Cristina. 1º Bach

Sue said...

Hello girls!!

*Luci: wow! I'm really stunned! I had never seen such a long palindrome!
Since you say you don't understand them, could someone help luci translate her palindrome:
"Red roses run no risk, sir, on nurse's order." ??? thnaks.

*Cris: I never imagined you would participate so much in the blog!
I'm very proud of you. Your web is really interesting, and your answer about Panama's Canal is right, so CONGRATULATIONS!

see ya tomorrow!!

gema said...

sue,we're back !!! The weekend was lovely, but I thought a lot of you!! well done with the activity, it's pretty good. see you tomorrow morning!!I'm quite tired now.

Tamara said...

"Red roses run no risk, sir, on nurse's order."

"Rosas rojas no corren riesgo, señor, en orden de la enfermera"

I´m not sure if the translation is rigth, buy I don´t know how to say it!... I know the meaning! hehe...


Sue said...

Hi Gema! Welcome to Madrid!
I'm sure that Susana and you have spent a great time in London!...And after so many parties you must be tired....hahaha. Don't worry teachers, go to bed. We will look after the blog.

Lots of kisses!

Anonymous said...

hi sushii!!

i've found a lot of palindromes.

at first i didn't know which of them were the best so i've decided to chose the ones which start with the letter L (thats because is also the first letter of my name xd)
here there are:

L.A. ocelots stole coal.

L.A. snow Job: O.J. won, Sal

La Renegade led a general.

Laminate pet animal.

Lace me, Portia! Wait - rope me, Cal!

Laid on no dial

Laminated E.T. animal.

Lana, can I sit on Otis in a canal?

Lana fixes sex, if anal.

Last egg gets Al.

Late Bill is ill, I bet, Al.

Leno located a cadet: a colonel!

Leon sees Noel.

Laptops spot pal.

late fetal

Lay a wallaby baby ball away, Al

Lem saw I was Mel.

Let sap erupt, pure pastel!

Lion, O Puma, I am upon oil.

Lisa Bonet ate no basil.

live devil

Lion, O Puma, I am upon oil.

Liar spots top's rail.

Live Devo -- love devil.

Live Evil

Live forever of evil

Live not on evil.

Lived on Decaf, Faced no Devil

Loaded 'Net ended AOL.

Lonely Tylenol.

Look, sire, paper is kool!

sushi: i hope you've like them. i love your exercices and also your pictures!!

luci from 1º arts

Sue said...


I'm very happy to see you writing here! Your palindromes are awesome!
thanks my loved Luci!
Since you said you liked my more question!
Does anybody know what the name of the Futurama's character I've posted is??

thanks again!! xxx

Anonymous said...

that's very interisting. I'm very surprised about this post.

I'm learning a lot of English and other interesting thing.
I'm gaining a lot of culture :)

for example
"Name no one man"

Tamara said...

Sue!!! I think I know the answer:

The name of the Futurama's character you've posted is: "Teacher Hubert Farnsworth"
More information: He is a scientist. Like "Profesor fish", do you remember?
"Profesor fiiiiish, the scientiiiiist"

Another thing!!!
Do you remember when I posted a question, and I said:
-One condition: Sue Soto can´t answer it.

I think now you must answer it!! Let´s go!

*What is the collective term for a group of cats?

See you soon!!!!

Sue said...

WOW Emilioooo!!
you are the first boy who comment here!! Tell your friends to write, will you??

Thanks!! see ya!

Sue said...

Hello TAMI!!

The name Futurama's teacher is correct! Of course I remember "Profesor fish" hahahaha!! When we sang that song we were only 10!

Well, now I think I have the answer to your question. The collective term for a group of cats is CLOWDER. Is it correct??

I love you Tami. XXX

Tamara said...

Congratulations Sue, your answer is correct!

The collective term for a group of cats is CLOWDER.