Sunday, 4 March 2007


Do you kwon what a false friend is?

A false friend is a word that sounds similar in Spanish but actually it has got a different meaning.

A famous example is: ACTUALLY. Maybe you think it means ¨actual¨, but it means ¨en realidad¨.

Who can tell me what are the meanings of these false friends? :

1.Billet: Alojamiento/Alojar (Gema, English teacher)
2.Conductor: Cobrador/Revisor (Susana, English teacher)
3.Pan: Cacerola/Cazuela (Cristina Gonzalez 1ºC Bach./ Luna Díez 1ºD Bach.)
4.Carpet: Alfombra (Lucía Rivera, 1ºD Bach.)
5.Collar: Cuello de las prendas de vestir (Luna Díez 1ºD Bach.)
6.Deception: Engaño (Sue Soto, 1ºC Bach.)
7.Embarrassed: Avergonzado/a (Luna Díez 1ºD Bach.)
8.Dessert: Postre
(Emilio 1ºA Bach.)

You can seek other false friends. Enjoy them!


Sue said...


What a interesting post! The picture you have chosen is very funny!! hahaha

Well, I'll tell you one false friend and its meaning:

-"Deception":It means "engaño", not "decepción", as many people think. The word whose meaning is decepción is "disappointment"

And I have found another false friend:
If you say "I'm constipated", you are saying "estoy estreñido", not "estoy constipado". so be carefully!! If you wanna say that you are "constipado" you have to say "I've got a cold"

Lots of kisses, and Congratulations Tami, you are a fantastic blogger!!

Anonymous said...

hello tam!!

of course one of the most famous false friends is the word carpet: it seems to mean "carpeta" in spanish but the meaning of these word is "alfombra" if you want to say "carpeta" you must say folder : )

sue your false friend "im constipated" ís very useful thank you very much


Anonymous said...

girls I had missed your posts but now all is starting to be like it usde to. we must continue paricipating as much as the first. CONGRATULATIONS!!

Tamara said...

Thanks girls!
Yours false friends are correct:
CARPET: alfombra

Sue your false friend is very curious, hahaha!

I suppose you are studying for all the exams we have this week, even so, everybody must continue participating in the blog.

Anonymous said...

hello Tamara

I find in google and find that false friends is the same as cognates(cognados).

Some cognates:
dessert: postre(no desierto=desert)
form: formulario(no forma)

P.D next week I finished all test, I have more time and can see the blog everytime

emilio 1º Bach

Anonymous said...

Emilio Freak

Anonymous said...

tamii!!! you are the "master"...your song is very beautiful.
i'm going to study because...the exam is tomorrow...!!! oh my god!!

lots of kissssssesss!!! MY CHICKEN!!

I LOF YUUU!!! ahahahah

gema said...

Congratulations, Tami!!! I fancy this post a lot. Very good choice!!

Sue said...


One more time, we can say we have the best voices in the world.

In fact, this a a blog for beautiful people with beautiful voices (and something important: with a famous teacher) hahahaha

I encourage everybody to sing in the blog, since it's pretty funny.

Lots of kisses and keep on singing!

gema said...

Freire Sisters, I guess!!!! Haven't u thought of recording an album? You've been daring, there's no music in the background!!

Tamara said...

Hi Emilio! It´s true that false friends is the same as Cognates!!
Thanks for your cognates, and for your participation!!

Tamara said...


Sue and Lunx: thanks for your praises! Lunx I hope hear your song here soon, and Sue: I think that you, Gem, Susana, Simon, Alba, the 3 marys and we (Sisters F.)can do a song together hahaha...imagine it...!!!

Gem, I´m very glad to see that you like my posted. And... About recording an album, I promise you we´ll think about it,haha.(First, I´m going to learn how to play the guitar)

Lots of kisses!!!!!

Susana said...

Let's see...We have a couple of sisters who sing perfectly, a girl who knows everything about computers field, a famous teacher who dominates the TV world (hehe) and another one who organizes the best parties in the universe, what are we doing here?

Tami: A very good post!! Congratulations, my darling!


Tamara said...

Hi girls!
Susana what were you doing recently?
We miss you in the blog... Are you participating in a famous TV programme, and it´s the reason you aren´t here?...hehe


Tamara said...

And what about the english exam girls?
I think I did it well but... I know I have some errors...

Susana said...

No, Tami, don't worry...For the time being, I dont'have any pending stuffs (no tengo asuntos pendientes) related to Tv, but I do have a lot of exercises, exams, compositions, correct!!!! That is the reason why I am not with you!!
Anyway, I'm always in our blog.
Bye, my girls!

Lots of kisses

Sue said...


The exam wasn't too difficult...
I think that passing it is easy, but getting a high mark is more difficult. Exercises were a little confused, so I hope had been careful enough to do it well.

Susana! I'm very happy to see you writing here!! I know that everybody is really busy, but we have to find some time to write in the blog!

I love youuuu!!!!

Susana said...

Conductor: Cobrador/revisor...

Teacher, teacher,teacher, is it right?

Tamara said...

Yes my dear Susana, of course it´s right!
You want that your name appears in my post eeh!!I´ve discovered you!!!hehe...
Thank goodness you have written! because I felt really alone here...Thank you lovely!!! Lots of kisses!!

gema said...

I suppose we should give the answers, shouldn't we?

billet: alojamiento / alojar

Tamara said...

Yes, my teacher, you should give the answers. Thanks Gem!! XXX!!!

Anonymous said...

Hello Tamiii !!!!
This is a interesting post!

I find that "pan" is a false friend and its meaning is : "cazuela/cacerola", not pan, as many people think. The word whose meaning is pan is "bread".

Congratulations Tami!!

Lots of Kisses!!

Anonymous said...

hello Tam!!
I think that "pan" is "cacerola".

lots of kisses my girl!!

Ilove you!!:D

Tamara said...

Oh Cris! At last you have written here!! We missed you!!
Well, your false friend is right:
¨Pan¨ means Cazuela/Cacerola.

Thanks Cris!
Keep on writing! XXX!

Tamara said...

Lunx I´m very glad to see you here!
Cris have just traduced ¨Pan¨, but I know you haven´t seen it.
Thanks!! And I hope see you here more and more!
Lots of kisses!

Anonymous said...

good night girls! I am going translate the two last false friends!!!

collar: cuello de las prendas de vestir.
embarrased: avergonzado/a.

lots of kisses!!!!

Tamara said...

My dear Lunch! thanks for translate these false friends!
This post is complete!!

Lots of kisses!
Keep on writing!