Dear boys and girls!!! In a few days you are travelling to Andalusia, Valencia, Portugal
and Paris. As I kno
w most
of our blog readers are going to Paris, this
is a little quizz
for them. You only have to pay attention to these images of the wonderful city you are going to visit and, when you come back, just write down which places they are, ok? It's
very easy!!
Hello Gema! Oh I am the first person that have written in your activity! jeje and today I have written two coments...I am very proud of my jejeje!
I´m very nervous for the trip to Paris. I hope that we will pass a great time because the trip to Paris is the last travel that we are going whit the school...:(
I will miss everybody a lot jeje
Gem, I'm sure I will miss YOU!!Come to Portugal with us, please!!!
Great post, my dear friend!!
My best kisses!!
I wish I could go with you, Sus. It's a long time since we last travelled together on a school trip. I think it was when Luci's brother (Antonio) went to Barcelona, in 1st ESO, so a long time ago, isn't it?
I'm sure I will miss u very very much!!
Hi Gema!! I am very nervous with our trip to Paris, I am scared the travel by plane because I had never travelled by plane.
Susana and Gema come to Paris with us!! hehe.
I hope that we pass a good time in Paris, and Susana in Portugal, ;), is our last trip with the school, and I am sure, that all we will enjoy it.
Lots of kisses !!
Cris 1ºC Bach
Hi!!! I´m Raul Palomares, why in 2 nd of bachillerato, when we had finished the PAU exam, why we don´t go to any place?
It would be great the next year go to Italy or somthing like that to celebrate the finish of our exams.
think about that...
PARIS!! I'm really looking forward to going to the LOVE CITY! hehehe
Gem, you know I'll miss you a lot...
But the most difficult thing for me will be not writing in the blog for 5 days! ...I don't know if I will be able to resist it!
Lots of kisses for everybody. I'm sure we'll enjoy it a lot!
Raúl, I agree with you. We could go to the beach (for instance to Ibiza)
After finishing school most of us will be 18... I'm seeing it... we'll spend the whole morning lying on the beach and at night...PARTY! hahaha
We have really to think abou it. ok?
And Gem and Susi, we want you to come with us!
Cris! I'm very excited too!
I hope that our suitcases won't be lost... If this happened I swear you I could die! ...
YES,I DO!!! We have to think about an attractive place to go!!!
Rául, thanks for participating. I hope you will enjoy our activities and never get tired with visiting us!!
Don't worry about that, Cris!! You would enjoy the trip without being worried about the clothes you are wearing the following day!! That is great, isn't it? It's only my humble opinion...
Sorry, last comment is to Sue!!
Sue already I am very nervous for the travel by plane, so you don´t scare me with the suitcases, if those happened I could die too.
I don´t want to be worried about the clothes, I simply want to be worried for pass a great time.
Hello girls!!!
I hope that you enjoy a lot your last travel with the school. Paris is so lovely!!! (But I remember when I went 2 years ago that... I need a boy next to me!hehe)
Another thing!Talking about the travel to Ibiza...There is a hollow for my?hehe
OOOOOOH! What a beautiful post Gem!!
I´m very nervous for our trip to Paris too. I´m sure we´ll have a fantastic time there.
But if both of you came with us, the travel will be better. Gem, now you have a high position at school, Can you do something? hehe!
Gema don´t forget to look after the blog!!
Believe me girls, I´ll can live without the blog!!!
Ok, girls, don't worry about the blog. It will be quiet for a week , but safe. And you, be careful in Paris, there are lots of beautiful people in the city of LOVE. You'll share the hotel with Italian and Spanish schools of your age, so be careful, you can fall in love. Wouldn't it be romantic?
And Raul,about your proposal, I think it's a great idea. Once you have finished the PAAU, you could go to Ibiza or whatever, even Benidorm would be fun, but you have to organize it by your own. It`s very easy, just to think of the place and convince everybody. We'll think about it next year, ok? NOW, ENJOY PARIS!!
hello!!you are very nervous like me a year ago...it is very sad because it is yours last travel...I hope you enjoy like me when I was there,..,I want tell them that you are going to fall in love of PARIS because it is one of the more beautiful place of the world!!!!
Hello!!! I have a bad notice for the blog, my sister and me don´t have internet!!!. I´m in the university.
I advise to Raul that the trip should be inside the "peninsula" because take a jet with a lot of people should be a little "chaotic".
It´s only an advice... hehe..
A lot of kisses
Hi¡¡¡I`m a Monik´s "friend".I´m from Paris and I can sure u that u´ll have a fantastic travel here¡¡¡As of all u know Paris it´s the city of the love...so maybe u´ll find your "half orange":).Well I hope one day will meet all of u¡¡
Have a funny day¡¡¡
¨Ra¨ I´m agree with u that we will should go to a place the next year. I want to go to Ibiza too, Sue... But I´m sure we finished going to Benidorm... It´s typical, hehe.
In my opinion, now we must think about Paris!! I´m really nervous!!!!!!!!!!!
Coral!! Don´t complain! because remember that you are going to Germany soon!!
Món!! I have good notices for you!!
I have arrived at home, and I´ve asked to mum if the technician had repaired the internet... And first she has tried to lie me, she has said to me: No... (You know mum´s jokes...haha)But finally she has recoginsed that the internet works...So I´m really happy! (I know you too)
Thank goodness your Internet works, Tami!
I'm very happy to know that you'll be able to say goodbye to the blog tomorrow!
Lots of kisses.
By the way... I've just read "Jean Paul Gautier"'s commentary... What a luxury bloger! hehehe
Maybe he is the man who makes the perfume!(he is a very important man) hehehehe
Anyway, WELCOME, and Thanks!
Oh my God!! Our blog is reaching its peak with international bloggers! I can´t believe it!
By the way, I bet you were again attending a university lesson. What happens there? Isn't there a teacher with u? you should pay more attention to them. I'm sure they're trying to catch your attention and you are participating in an English blog you don't even know... a donde vamos a ir a parar...
Hey, girls, there is only ONE DAY left!!! Remember you have to change your watches so as not to arrive late at the airport!!!
Come on!! Have you already packed everything?
There is only 11 hours left!
And I haven't packet my things yet!
Oh my God.. I have so many things to do...
There are only 6 hours left!
...And I haven't packed my things yet :(
Well, now I'm going to have a shower and to do some things.
I'm so nervous!
I've a doubt... Our blog's clock changes the time automatically?
OH MY GOD!!!!!!
It´s very late! I´m going to sleep!!!!!
See u sooN!!
Hi¡¡¡I´m here another time...Are u nervous, aren´t u??Don´t worry..Surely u are now reaching to "my city"...I hope all of u have a fantastic days here, and with a stroke of luck u meet some boys...
Kisses....Jean Paul¡¡
the blog is very sad... Probably because all the participants have gone away... but... I HOPE THAT YOU SPEND A FANTASTIC TRIP!!ENJOY YOUR LAST TRIP...Because... you always remember it...
(Sue... I think that you have to tell something... about...Jean Paul Gautier... aren´t you? hehe)
Be happy!
Toc, toc, toc...
Anybody there?
I hope everybody is having a great time!! We feel lonely here in Madrid. Right now I know some of you are watching the Eiffel Tower illuminated by hundreds of bright lights; enjoy this view and keep it deep in your minds!!
What it's certain is that this blog doesn't work without all of you. I feel a little bit ridiculous, please come back soon!!!
There's a cospiracy against our blog!! I'm trying to get advantage in "I like this blog" vs. "I like coffee" and somebody enters only to vote for coffee. Maybe Sue has paid someone in her family to vote for her durig her absence, I don't know. This is the WAR!!!!
I'm really tired, and the one thing I can say is
Now, I'm unpacking all my things, so, I'm not going to write a lot. We have a lot of anecdotes to tell, so little by little we will narrate them.
Gema, we have missed you a lot. You know we would have had a great time there if you had come!
"I like coffee" is the winner... I have asked my brother if he had voted, and he has told me that he didn't...
So this proves that lots of people (different from me) vote this poll!!
hahahaha! Sorry, but you have nothing to do!!
Sorry: it's been
Our last travel with the school have ended...But it has been one of the best travel we have done!!
We´ve spent a fantastic moments in Paris!!...
And what about your travel Susana?
And you Gem? Something new in Madrid??
PD: Now we should speak about our future travel to Benidorm or Ibiza!YEAH!hehe
LOTS OF KISSES!!!!!!!!!!!
What's happening??
Why no-one writes??
I thought that, as soon as we arrived, everybody would write a lot... But I see that it isn't true...
And Susana doesn't write either...
Maybe people are on holiday.
I hope so.
Well, Lots of kisses, and please, keep on writing!!
Hi gemma,
Paris is incredible, I want return again. I never forget this trip.
I'm a bit sad but now I can rest and don't do anything.
finally I thank my friends, because if you weren't with me in Paris, this travel won't be so funny.
Now in "semana Santa" I will write more in this blog :)
Emilio 1º Bach
Hi girls!
I´m happy that you come back. I hope that you had spent a very good time in Paris. I know that you won´t forget it!
But... what happend with the blogg? where are the people!!?
hello!!tomorrow I will to Germany,but I don`t know the hour nor place even...puff THIS IS A DESASTER!!jaja.I will return soon.GOOD BYE!
hello everybody!! I've been missing for a few days without computer travelling around. Now i'm in Granada and at last i've found a computer.
What about my questions about the places in the pictures? Do you already know what they are? Do you recognise the places?
Kisses for everybody and happy Holy Week!!
Hi, my people!!! I'm here again. I came back from Portugal very tired and so, I had almost no time to write on our dear blog, after that I decided to visit Portugal again and now, I'm here...looking forward to seeing you!!!
Welcome and kisses for everybody!!
Our holidays have ended... We must start again the school... I think I have forgot the way that take me at school so...If tomorrow I don´t appear there...Maybe I am in the middle of a road, looking for the real way to arrive there!!!
See you girls!!!lots of kisses!!!
Sorry: have forgotten
I have just come back from Almería, and I'm really tired...
I don't want to start the school again... :(
I can't believe it...I thought that everybody would be writing in the blog and talking about the trips...
But now I see I was mistaken!
Well, now we have to start again with the good customs, and encourage everybody to write here every day. We'll get it!
In the fifth photograph we can see the ¨Beaubourg¨, it is in the historical centre of Paris... I think so...
Ok, dear Tami! You are more or less right. The fifth picture represents exactly the Pompidour Centre, which is sited in Beaubourg. I guess you sawit the very first day you arrived in Paris.
See u!!
Ok Gem! I have to recognise that I don´t remember it very well...hehe
By the way dear teacher!...what are you doing awake at 6:38?? or rather...what are u doing writing in the blog at those hours?!!!
''The early bird catches the worm'', darling... (It's a proverb!)
As you can see, Tami, I'm an early bird, but not so early!!. I think there is a mistake somewhere because it was 7:38.
By the way: WHO IS GOING TO ANSWER MY QUESTIONS? What is picture number 1? and 2? and 3? ome on, it's not so difficult!!
Here I go!
one of them is "La Défense" isn't it?
La Défense is the main business district of Paris.
We went there and I took a fantastic shot, because trough it you can see the "Arc de Triomphe" and the famous obelisk.
Lots of kisses! :)
Very good, Sue! Picture number 1 is La Defense.
It is the cathedral of notredame.It`s
very beautyfull.
I had a great time there.
You are the best... I LOVE YOU!
Kisses. Barby, 1ºC
hello gema! the Picture nº 1 is La Defense alado del arco del trinfo
Helloo!!! Our travel to Paris has been perfect it has been one of the best travel that we have done, we have spent fantastic moments in Paris!!
One of the pictures is the Sant Chapel. It was very beutiful to see.
There we have lots of pictures of the windows.
Lots of kisses!! Cris, 1ºC
(I love you, Sue)
This is what we can call a very sucesfull post!!!!!!!!60 coments!!!
Tamara 1ºC Bach
Sorry: Successful
Hello! I think that the picture number 9 is The Obelisco... I don´t know how to write in english the name
of it, what´s more I am not very sure
if I have written the name in Spanish
The Obelisco is in the ¨Fields Eliseos¨:s and it is near to the Arch of the victory hehehe I think that I have made more than one mistake!
BYE LOT OF KISSES! SuE& TaMi I LOVE YOU,,,but I love Tami more
Boys and girls... You are really the best. I have enjoyed the trip to París a lot...
Thanks for accept and help me.
I love you!!!! Kisses!!
Barby. 1ºC
I love you too my little Luci!
BARBY!!!What I have said to you was a joke!!!You know we need you and love you!!
Barby 1C
Paris is very beautifully.
I like very much the museums, everything was entertaining. Never forget, the moment, when I saw, the tower Eiffel.
sorry, I am Diana.
...I have never seen so many comments!
Thanks everybody!!!!
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