Sunday, 18 March 2007

Where are you on the highway of life?

Every person is at a different point on a different highway (autopista) of life. Where are you?
As we cruise down (viajar a través) the highway of life we come across (cruzarse) many metaphorical destinations, some good some bad. Our individual personalities lead us all down a different path (camino). Let this magical personality test tell you where you are headed (dirigirse a)! Just punch in your name and soon you will be rolling past the roadsign (señal vial) of your life. Don't forget to drive carefully! What are the towns on your highway? Be sure to drop in and visit them all, because life is a journey that we should all cherish (mimar, querer). Peace!

Susana Highway
Fame City9
Study Hall13
Confusion Lane118
County Jail302
Please Drive Carefully

Where are you on the highway of life?


Can you translate the words on your highway?


Anonymous said...

Hi, my girls!! I miss you...

As you can see, my future is horrible!!What can I do?Do you Know the meaning of each word?

See you!!!


Sue said...


Don't worry my loved teacher... Remember that we are namesakes, so my future is as bad as yours!! hehehe

Anyway, I think that FUTURE IS UNWRITTEN, so we have the chance to decide how we want our lifes to be.

Well, Susi I must congratulate you again for your posts. I really love them!!

Lots of kisses!!

Sue said...

By the way... I have to recognise that I don't know very well which the meaning of all the words is... But after reading your comment I guess that our fufure musn't be good...
I'm afraid that I have talked without knowing about I was talking... hehehe

Tamara said...

Hello girls!
I couldn´t write in the blog today.

Susana, sorry my darling, but I must recognise that I don´t understand this activity...:S
I´ve written my name, but I´ve gotten the same results that you got... Can you explain me the post?... I feel a bit stupid

All of my kisses

Tamara said...

By the way!!!! Have you seen that ¨I like coffee¨ have more votes that ¨I like the blog¨? Hahahaha...
I can´t believe it! Sue you are really ¨judas¨!!!!

Tamara said...

When is the teachers' reunion to set the notes?

Tamara said...

I think we must to begin with the new plan (talesoutofourschool@gmail...) to do publicity for the blog, because we need new writers!

gema said...

Good morning, blogmates!! I'm not completely sure but I think I'm going to be wealth, then I'm going to be bankrupted, I'm also going to have lots of children and something related to studies, I don't know exactly what.So, I guess my highway is going to have plenty of bends. I'll have to hold tight!!!

gema said...

Our teachers' reunion has already been held, dear Tami!

Anonymous said...

Tami, I don't know why both of us have the same future...Anyway,it's great, isn't it?

The game consists of writing your name and then, a road sign appears on your screen which talks about your a metaphorical sense, of course.

I agree with you, we have to start launching an advertising campaign!!!

Sue, thanks for congratulating on my posts!! I really love yours, too!!
Have a nice day!!


Tamara said...

hello again!

Susi teacher I´ve done it again, and we have the same future,hehe!
Thanks for your explanation!! I needed it!

Gem!what a busy future!!It is like your new job!hehe

Sue you should write more comments... We must revive our blog!!


Anonymous said...

hi Tami!!!!!!
I am laila!!!! I am studying economics and is a poop but I know that I will pass the exam... I dont know that's write...
Ooo We are going to go to Paris!!in four days, it is fantastic WE ARE GOING TO PASS......... UFF


Laila 1C Bach

Tamara said...

As you can see, our friend Coral(2Bach) has written in the post: The history behind the words.
We need more writers, girls!!

Sue said...


Sue said...

Hi Tami... I hope this will help to revive the blog. I think this will give the blog a British touch. Are you happy to see my comments, Tami?? hehehe

Tamara said...

WOOOOH!!!Laila in our blog again!!!
Yes, we will enjoy a lot in Paris!!I am very nervous!!

Gem, your new job doesnt let you came with the other years :(

Susana or you should try to came with us...


Tamara said...

Yes Sue, I am happy to see your comments!!thanks!!!! CRAZY

Sue said...


I can't believe it! Coral has written! I must be dreaming..hehehe!
I love seeing how every time more and more people join us!


Tamara said...

Sue the blog seems a chat or the msn for us...hahaha

Sue said...

Tami..I know that this blog is really imporatant for you... but please, try not to threaten people, ok?

I wouldn't like people to think that we are a the MAFIA! hehehehe

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU SUE!!!!I only want tell you one thing:I will return...jejeeje

Sue said...

hahahaha! this is the new msn!

We should create a virus that spoil all the messengers!! If people didn't have messenger they would spend much more time in the blog!

Can you imagine a world where the only way of comunication is this blog?

Sue said...


Coral! you have written again!
Be careful...this blog is really

look at us...we are really blog-addicts! hehehe

Susana said...

TAmi and Sue, I can only say you are GREAT!!!!Don't worry, we are going to overcome the crisis...
Let me think...

All my best kisses

iMiS said...

I'm agree with your comment which says that the blog is addictive, our trip to paris is nearest each day¡¡¡¡5 days¡¡¡¡
susana and gema you must come with your girls¡¡
Lots of kisessssss
See you tomorrow¡¡¡

Susana said...

Coral, Welcome to our/your blog!! I hope you've enjoyed the activities...Do you think the vocabulary we use is hard to understand? Thanks for your greeting!! Visit us again!!

Lots of kisses

Sue said...

Hello again!

In ARTS there are lots of people, but only write three or four... so Imis, you should advertise the blog!! We spend the whole day talking about the blog at school, and writing the direction on the blackboard! So, let's try to persuade people to visit and write in the blog!

Lots of kisses!!

Anonymous said...

hello Susana!!!the vocabulary you use it's easy to understand and when there are words people don`t undertand you translate it.sincerelly I think this is going to help I said:I return...jejeje

Anonymous said...

Hello! Like I have promised today I am writing in this fantastyc blog!
I want to say sorry because in the last days I haven´t written anything and I know that is very important for you that people participate in the blog.

We can be sure that I write more, what´s more I will try to write all the days!

Ok I am going to study maths and tnen I am going to write my easy for you Gema.

Oh I want to say other thing: Your work in the blog is fantastic...congratulations!


Anonymous said...

Oh my god!! There are a lot of comments, thought most of them are of Tami and Susi haha, they are very, very "frikis".

I am sick, but Susi phone me, and have obligated me to write in the blog, is very important for her that more people write comments. She said me, that i have write more, one comment for day, because i can learn english.

Other thing: I have never travelled by plane, so i am very nervous with the travel to Paris. I hope that we pass a good time.


Cris 1ºBach

Sue said...


Luci! Your comment makes me feel really happy!
I only can say THANKS YOU! You have written such beautiful things... I am very proud of you. I love youu!!
I hope you write here everyday. I'm completely sure that your English will improve. So please, keep on writing!

Cris! I'm very happy to see you writing as well... But I have to tell you I don't agree with you...we are NOT frikis! hehehe. And please, don't say I forced you to write (it's much more better if you say that you write because you love the blog, ok? ) hehehe.
And don't worry, travelling by plane is just like travelling by bus!

Thanks again. I love you so much...

LOTS OF KISSES my bloggers!

Tamara said...

Hi girls!!

Coral!! I´m really happy to see you here again, I haven´t had to tell you that you must write!! You write because you want to do it!! The drug is doing effect!!ac-ac-ac (malignant laughter)

Luciiii!! The other day I was very surprised when you told me that you wanted to speak in english (Sue you weren´t with us, it was incredible!haha...), I know you like the blog ;)

Cris... Thanks for your comment but... we aren´t frikis... We are learning a lot, believe me... You should do the same!
I´m very nervous too, because I have never travelled by plane :S!!
I hope you get better, Cris!!

KISSES!! See you tomorrow!

Susana said...

CORAL!!!I know you are reading the new posts, but you don't dare to write because you think we'll notice (percatarse)your mistakes...CHANGE YOUR MIND!! We are here to learn and we don't care whether you do it right or wrong...Communicating and laughing are our aims!!!

Write again and encourage (anima) Marina to do it t!!

Anyway, Thanks, Coralilla!

Susana said...

Thanks to Lucia F and Cristina...I know you think we are a group of freaks, but I notice the way you support us, and I like it...

Lots of kisses