Saturday, 14 April 2007

New links for you!!

We have created a new space in this blog so that you get information about the topics you are worried about. Its name is: "Interesting webs" and it is placed on the right of the screen under the poll(encuesta)box.

The first link is: "Sexo con seso" a web where you can find all kind of information about sex and health. The second one is "Anorexia y Bulimia" a web which shows different aspects of these both terrible diseases.

In this case, don't worry about your English level because they are Spanish webs...Learn a lot!!


Sue said...


Thanks Susi!

I'm sure that this webs will be really useful for everybody, because we think we know a lot about these issues, but learning new things is always good!

I love you!!

Tamara said...

I´ve entered in the webs, and they are really interesting. In my opinion people think they know everything but it isn´t true...Everybody need information, it´s very important!

Thanks Susana!!

Anonymous said...

Hello girls after as much time I have returnedª This post seems very interesting to me. Dont worry girls Içm going to write here frequently. i have done a log with Lucia.r and i am always there hehe..



Tamara said...

By the way...
Anybody have curiosity to know what is the meaning of this proverb:
''God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb''

It´s in the post called ¨proverbs¨...Please...LOOK FOR IT MEANING!!!


Susana said...

If you know some webs which can be interesting, send them to us(Sue, Tami, Gema or me) and we'll post them on the blog. I think we can make this blog be a very special site to visit.

Thanks in advance!!


Susana said...

Tami,what about "Dios aprieta, pero no ahoga"???I'm not sure...


Tamara said...

Susana!Of course, your answer is correct, I´m going to write it in the post. THANKS!!!!(People had forgotten it...)

I was advertising in fotologs...I hope people enter in our blog, but I think we should begin with our plan...( You know ;) )... Gem do you know about the plan?

The english exam is tomorrow...I was studying, but I must admit that the ¨suffixes¨ are a bit confusing... I hope to do it well

I´m going to review, and then I´m going to the bed...

Susana thanks again!

See you tomorrow girls!! Lots of kisses!

Anonymous said...

Hi susana!!!
I view the video it's ver funny!!! and the lemons dacing... the best!!!

the preposision i not found very much, only four :-(
