Let's pay homage to RAP music
We know most of you are rap fans...We suppose Cultura Urbana Festival has been crowded with students from our school!!
Rappers, like poets, choose the language they use and how they use it...They're artists!! For this reason, we'd like to pay homage to (rendir homenaje a) RAP music, rappers and all of you who love this way of life...
Who dares to translate any passages of SFDK's song into English?
Who dares to record a rap song on our voice mail?
We are waiting for you!!!
" This is such an odd story about a guy called Wifly,who someone sold tar instead of hash.
He had all planned and a California X-2 bike..."
I'm afraid you can't be very literal in your translation. You have to adapt the meaning of the Spanish sentences to a proper English vocabulary...It isn't easy, but it is fun and you are going to learn!!!...
Who dares????
I'd like to read (and listen to...hehehe) the English version of this song translated by us!!
Lots of kisses!!
What's up, concienci-hadas???
This is the most difficult challenge you've never proposed, so I love it!
Well, here I go with the second sentence:
"Children at school always talked about him as a quiet boy hidden under a second skin, older boys always hit him"
It's very difficult to translate...
I don't understand it even in Spanish! hahaha
"Calm down, a man is not made himself in a day, but in an only one day your ass can become a watermelon..."
It's so hard!!I don't find the proper words...anyway, I am not going to give up!!
"Wifly was his mum's happiness,
Wifly knew that one day everybody would suck (his dick).
Wifly's sister surrounded herself with bad people, ask in her neighbourhood which cock didn't know her."
It's very difficult... But little by little we are managing to do it!
By the way, I've posted a picture in my fotolog, which I'm sure Gema will like a lot!
Really? I'm going to see it now!!
I love your picture, sue. I have already said it in your flog, but I must repeat it here. It brings sweet and happy memories. I will always love this group!!! They have made me enjoy my job!!
What wonderful words... YOu have really made us enjoy English!!
By the way...
Are you really looking for a person to adopt your jacket?
If you are, I think you've just find one!
Lots of kisses!
What a wonderful jacket!! Do you remember it, Gem? I think we bought it together...
Thanks for mention us, Susana!! You are famous and it´s a privilege!haha ;)
Tomorrow I´m going to translate a passage of the song, now I´m really tired!!
Gem, adopt your jacket is a dream!!!!!!!!
Why no one translates the song??
It's too difficult for you to translate it?? hehehe
I can't believe nobody dares...
I'm looking forward to finish with the translation, in order to sing the rap in English!
Maybe we could sing the song all together in the library... But singing have to be obligatory for all the class!! hehehe
What do you think of the idea??
Sue, I love your idea!!! I think it may be great fun!!
¨He saw the firsts fight at home, Wifly was happy reading ¨Spiderman¨ and ¨the mass¨, but Wifly had a spectre 128, he loved the puddles and chips of cork¨
Translate the song is so difficult!!!
Susi I love your idea!!
Have you seen this?
This post has only been commented by Susana, Gema, Tami and me...
It's just like a messenger...
Maybe people don't comment because this has become into a too personal post...
Or maybe this has become a too personal post because no-one else comments...
Where are the concienci-hadas? Is Tami the only one who really likes rap?
How sad I feel...(I'm joking)...I'm looking for an intelligent way to put pressure on you...(presionaros), but nothing comes to my mind!!
See you, my girls...
(Some of you are supposed to be sleeping after the party held yesterday...)
Lots of kisses
Susana Teacher
Sue, Are you a member of Concienci-hadas?
Susana teacher
I'm not a member of Concienci-Hadas..
I don't like preparing songs...
I'm better at improvising rhymes!!
At partys I'm always inventing songs... But only at partys...
When I'm....too happy??? hahahaha!!!
hey!! i like you girls put this kind of things in the blog but I have to say 2 things:
1st one: cultura urbana is not the only rap event (it's true that is one of the most important ones but not the only one)
2nd one: just for your knowledge (or...i dunno how to spell it)...that video is from last year... XD just kidding.
just take a look on youtube on cultura urbana 2007 breakdance battle(on the 7:52 sec and 5:07 sec. (they are mines)XD
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