Saturday 20 January 2007


In English there are a lot of idioms (expressions whose meanings cannot be inferred from the meanings of the words that make it up) to learn...We want it to be as easy as abc *1 for you, so we have decided to work some of them. Are you ready?

The first one: How do you say " me suena a chino" in English? Think and be water, my friend.

*1 To be as easy as abc: Ser algo muy fácil (idiom)

Answer: "what you are saying is Greek to me" (written by Susana.1st Bach. C).


Susana said...


This is a very interesting post, because little by little we are learning a lot! I think I have the correct answer.... could it be "what you are saying is Greek to me"??

Lots of kisses!!!

*Susana* 1ºC. Bach.

Susana said...

Sue, your answer is right. We're going to learn a lot with you...Thanks a lot, again!!!XXX