Saturday 20 January 2007

Side sleeper with one knee bended (Spanish)

Your partner, Tamara (1st Bachillerato C), has posted the Spanish translation of one of the slideshows about "While you were revealed a lot".Thank you, Tamara!!!

Side sleeper with one knee bended:

"You are inclined to be fussy, always whining and complaining. Nervousness is probably your second name. You tense up easily and get overly excited over small matters. Life isn´t such a big deal. Learn to relax".

Persona que duerme de lado con una rodilla doblada:

Tiendes a ser exigente, siempre lloriqueando y quejándote. Nerviosismo es probablemente tu segundo nombre. Te tensas fácilmente y consigues ponerte demasiado nervioso por pequeños problemas. La vida no es para tanto. Aprende a relajarte.


gema said...

Tamara, I'm really proud of you! You are also working hard on this blog and deserve a very good mark this term!! Keep on doing it!

Susana said...

Me too!!(I am proud of you).

Tamara said...

Thanks teachers!!